
发布时间:2011年04月21日 09:27:16    作者:admin

白羊座选车指导      译者:黄克鲁


金牛座选车指导      译者:黄克鲁

双子座选车指导      译者:黄克鲁

巨蟹座选车指导    译者:黄克鲁

处女座选车指导    译者:倒掉人
处女座,当他去研究时,你有你的黄金法则!  处女座会认真的为他们的车做维护,所以你会把它带去做所有的里数检查。你的车一般是崭新的和被细心照顾的。安全,与燃烧功率一起,是你关心的大事,所以你会专心的集中在安全试验结果,并且也许选择像萨布或者沃尔沃那样的车。你考虑到环境问题也可能导致你选择像普瑞斯那种混合动力的车。

天秤座选车指导     译者: 人字拖
受到金星的统治,无论你买什么样的车都必须有很好的设计.颜色方面应该是柔和的黄褐色或者米黄色.你想要保证有足够的座位给朋友坐,但是也要尽量实用.大箱的SUV并不适合你. 你想要的是小一点的,精灵一点的和性感一点的.(难道是MINI COOPER??)

天蝎座选车指导   译者:Mr.Raindrop

射手座选车指导    译者:黄克鲁
你喜欢长途旅行,故,你会在车里度过许多时光。你的车需要宽敞而强劲。射手喜欢大功率的车。(因为人马是你的星座象征。)考虑一下大跑车,比如切若基或者路虎览胜,甚至悍马。太正式的车会看起来跟你父母的车一样落伍。你喜欢户外,故,你也可以租一部旅游车(Recreational Vehicle)去度假。作为射手,你也喜欢大型宠物,故,你的车得足够大,放得下你的金黄毛猎犬、苏格兰牧羊犬或者瑞士救护犬。你也需要导航系统。你想要一个人去看看世界,你的车就是你的好帮手。

摩羯座选车指导   译者: 浪客剣心

水瓶座选车指导 译者: 江国香芝

双鱼座选车指导    译者:彩虹
双鱼代表创造力,设计型,还很有个性,所以你的车应该很自然得表达了你这部分特点。在你选车的时候,你觉得漂亮和具有设计感会比实用性更重要。你当然也要能显露出你极富夜色的风格, 如果你爱七十年代,你一定喜欢福特野马,开着克尔维特或其他旧车也是一种乐趣。在生活中,你喜欢关注“服饰”。所以一辆甲壳虫也许是你喜欢的,或者选择一辆双座敞篷车,带上雨伞,野餐篮去海滩享受。对于你,车子需要给你快乐和自由去享受更多的生活。你需要高速行驶和大的容量箱吗? 不,不需要,更不需要把预算放在第一位。





Astro Car Style Guide

Aries' car

With Warrior Mars as your ruling planet, it's no wonder that your dream car will have lots of horsepower, something that will come in handy as you pass the slowpokes on the road. Aries wants everything spanking new, so you may even decide to lease instead of buy. Your ideal set of wheels would be a sweet, two-seater sports car, such as a Jaguar, in a vivid red or low-key black. Mustang, Masserati, Aston Martin, Fiat or a Camero might also good choices.

#p#分页标题#e#If you have a family and need more room, you might decide on a Jeep. That sporty look and rugged ability will allow you to travel into uncharted terrain. Choose carefully, though, since freedom to come and go is number one priority for you, Aries.


Astro Car Style Guide

Taurus' car:

Owning the newest model car each year is not your priority. Instead, your car has to be big, sturdy, strong and safe. You like being seated high on the road, able to see around you, so an SUV might suit you. You want a car with a name that represents quality like Range Rover or Humvee. Venus, your ruler, will urge you to buy a car that is good looking and comfortable, too. Splurge on extra legroom for you and your passengers.

Not wild about flashy autos, you'll veer toward black, silver or steel, gray-blue or other neutral color. The car's interior is important to you and you'll always go for soft suede or buttery leather. If you have small children and are concerned about keeping your car interior clean, you'll find a compromise between attractiveness and function. Finally, you will want to be sure the music system is first rate. In your car, like in life, you want to cater to all your senses. For you, dear Taurus, your car is your luxurious living room on wheels.              


Astro Car Style Guide

Gemini's car:

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet that governs transportation, and you love the freedom a car can bring. You want your car to serve two separate functions: help you get your chores done, and be fun and sporty. A convertible, then, might be the perfect answer! It's two cars in one! As a Gemini, you'll want to personalize your car with new accessories and features, from finding the perfect sound system to installing custom seats or floor mats. Installing a GPS system would be a must for you because you love to explore new territory. The car has to be built to go the distance and serve as your home away from home. Keep a flashlight, radio with fresh batteries, first aid kit, some energy bars and a blanket in the trunk for emergencies. You will pay more attention to the tires than most signs-change, inflate or rotate them when necessary.


Astro Car Style Guide

Cancer's car:

As a Cancer you want a quality car that will stand the test of time. You also want a car that is big enough to hold the whole family in comfort, so you might invest in a van or SUV. You would make it a point to read up on which model has the best safety record. In your heart of hearts, you'd rather have a dashing, beautiful little sports car. In the end, though, practicality will win out. The color of your car should be soft, such as silver or pale gray or a frosty tea-green, blue-gray or creamy white.


Astro Car Style Guide

Virgo's car:

Your talent for thorough research will help you locate the perfect car for you. You will want to get the best car for your budget, so you will research the Internet to find out what the experts say. While other zodiac signs will check out one or two consumer reports, you will go the extra mile and read everything you can get your hands on. You will also attempt to do more comparative shopping than others, and you will interview many of your friends about their experiences with their cars. Before you buy, you will have your list of requirements that your car would have to perform for you, like how much trunk space you will need or if you should add a roof rack for bikes or for other equipment. You may even talk to garage service men to find out what they feel to be the most common problem in the car you intend to buy-and that is a VERY smart move. Virgo, when it comes to research, you set the gold standard! #p#分页标题#e#

Virgo takes maintenance of their vehicles seriously, so you'll bring it in for all of the mileage check-ups. Your car is usually spic-and-span and well cared for also. Safety, along with the car's fuel efficiency, is a big concern to you, so you will focus intently on safety test results, and possibly opt for a car such as a Saab or Volvo. Your concern for the environment might even lead you to opt for a "green" hybrid like the Prius.

Astro Car Style Guide

Libra's car:

Ruled by Venus, whatever car you buy has to have a beautiful design. The color should be soft-butterscotch or creamy beige sounds just right. You want to be sure you have room for friends, that's for sure, but that's about as practical as you get. The big and boxy SUV is not for you. You want something smaller, smarter and much sexier.

One last word: Women Libra-your ruling planet, Venus, teaches you the importance of looking polished, but putting on makeup while driving is not safe, and a sudden stop, even as a passenger, could cause injury. It would be safer to wait until you get to a rest stop to do your touchups.

Astro Car Style Guide

Scorpio's Car:

You want a strong, powerfully built quality car. Excellence of craftsmanship is what attracts you first. You don't like flashy, trendy vehicles, so when you choose a color, you will probably go with a neutral black or dark maroon in a conservative style, but known for quality-like a Mercedes or Lexus.

When you shop, it's important to you that you get the best possible deal. Your sign produces the zodiac's most street-smart negotiators, so when you walk through the door, your dealer will have met his match. You will first develop your strategy by doing detailed comparison-shopping. If you want an expensive car but can't afford it unless the price comes down, you might organize a group of people who also want the same model car as you do. Then when you place your order, you can ask for a volume discount-and get it. You can form your buying group on the Internet, on sites devoted to various manufacturers' makes and models. You know there are many ways to get what you want, and that is your success!


Astro Car Style Guide

Sagittarius' Car:

You love long distance traveling, so it follows that you will spend a lot of time in your car. It should be roomy and powerful. Sagittarius admires powerful horsepower. (The Centaur, half man, and half horse symbolize your sign.) Consider a large sporty vehicle, like a Jeep Cherokee or Range Rover or even a Humvee. Anything too formal will feel too much like your parent's car. You love the great outdoors, so consider renting an RV for your next vacation. As a Sagittarius, you also love large pets, so your car should be roomy enough to hold your Golden Retriever, Collie or St Bernard. You'll need GPS positioning, too. You want to see the world, up front and personal, and your car will allow you to do just that.

Astro Car Style Guide

Sagittarius' Car:

You love long distance traveling, so it follows that you will spend a lot of time in your car. It should be roomy and powerful. Sagittarius admires powerful horsepower. (The Centaur, half man, and half horse symbolize your sign.) Consider a large sporty vehicle, like a Jeep Cherokee or Range Rover or even a Humvee. Anything too formal will feel too much like your parent's car. You love the great outdoors, so consider renting an RV for your next vacation. As a Sagittarius, you also love large pets, so your car should be roomy enough to hold your Golden Retriever, Collie or St Bernard. You'll need GPS positioning, too. You want to see the world, up front and personal, and your car will allow you to do just that.#p#分页标题#e#


Astro Car Style Guide

Capricorn's car:

Capricorn, your sign rules historical things, so your dream car might be a 1957 Chevy or other vintage model. Many Capricorns love to take an old car and completely remodel it in order to get it into perfect condition. If you prefer a new car, you might want to buy one with plenty of trunk room to transport those great finds you buy at the flea market. Capricorns are great about visiting with relatives regularly too, so you'll want a car that is big enough to hold the whole clan-those reunions and special holidays are too good to miss. Your car's color will be low-key-you do not like to call attention to yourself-so a neutral like black or beige would be just your style.

Your ruler, Saturn, teaches you to take good care of your car and to keep it a long time. You don't need the newest car each season, but you do want one that will be trouble-free for years. To make sure it continues to hum in top condition, you will take excellent care of it. You will drive around to check prices for gas too-Capricorn won't ever pay a penny more than necessary. Good for you! No wonder friends ask you for advice. You know how to combine great style with a tight budget-well done!


Astro Car Style Guide

Aquarius' car:

You want the newest, and most technologically advanced auto. You are not a materialistic sign, but when it comes to getting a new car, you will want the most futuristic model you can afford. (Did someone say the Batmobile was available?) You want the most advanced computer system available for your car, so GPS, Bluetooth technology, XM or Sirius satellite radio could be a fun add-ons, as well as a plug-in for your iPod.

Cobalt blue and a deep silvery gray are colors that are associated with Aquarius-colors that look like they are all about the future (like you)!

Before you buy, do some checking in magazines for the latest test results. You are likely to know more than your car dealer. Like Scorpio, you may reach out to people who want the same car and negotiate a volume discount with the car dealer.

When it's time to sell your present car (you always want new, newer, newest), you will go on eBay, hold an auction and sell your car for to the highest bidder. Aquarius, you make the other signs look like they're operating in a past century. You always have fun-we can see why!


Astro Car Style Guide

Pisces' car:

Pisces is a creative, stylish sign, and very individualistic, so your car will naturally express that part of you. Beauty and design will always take precedence over practicality when you choose a car. You also want something that would show off your highly distinctive style If you loved the 70's, you might like a Mustang, Corvette or other older car that is fun to drive. As in life, you like to be "in costume." A Volkswagen Beetle might be fun. Or, choose a little two-seat convertible to get you to the beach-just pop your umbrella and picnic basket in back! To you, cars should be fun and give you freedom to enjoy life a little more. Do you need efficient miles to the gallon? No, not really. Nor do budgetary concerns come first.

Having said this, Pisces is also very humanitarian and sensitive to the needs of others. If that's you, a hybrid car would show your care for the environment. In terms of choosing a color, you tend like cool tones-anything in the soft, deep or bright blue would likely appeal to you. #p#分页标题#e#

You will probably spend a bit of time test-driving various cars at the dealership until you find the one that feels just right for you. The Fish usually looks for an ultra-smooth ride, one that feels like you are almost floating along the road, as if swimming in water! Your nurturing ways makes you want to cocoon friends and family in comfort. Be sure that your car can hold everyone you need to transport with ease. Music is vitally important to Pisces, mainly to set the mood of the ride, so go ahead, buy those pricey speakers. Driving with you is really fun!



